Wednesday, 23 May 2007



I was just browsing through Starbucks' merchandise cabinet last night, thinking to myself.. I was around KK all the time and there are outlets there, why should I get mugs and what-nots here when I have to lug everything up and down the plane?...

So I didn't get anything, and was just about to get away with a boring Mocha Frap when my new barista friend, Hieffny, suggested that I should give it a little twist - or drown it - and make it affogato. We need more baristas like this. Good for the company :-)

Starbucks Coffee @ Bukit Raja, Klang

Affogato - or drowning - is actually a common recipe, taken as dessert or beverage by topping it with hot espresso shot. Ice cream, pudding or ice-blended beverages has been drowned in the past.

Espresso used to top a beverage

Affogato was on offer at Starbucks some years back, and has not returned since. Although the norm would be to drown a cream based beverage (Chocolate Frap or Vanilla Frap et cetera) I tried it on my Mocha since I was just too curious to know what's it like, so I went for it.

I can understand why Hieffny stressed that this recipe should be done on a cream based frappucino, because adding a shot to an already coffee based drink did not bring out the wonderful taste of getting cream and coffee mixed as you sip - the coffee taste was too overpowering. When enjoying the beverage, the whole idea is to let cream and coffee combine in your mouth, so sometimes you get more of the sweetness of cream and sometimes the bitterness espresso. So dont stir the whole thing as you'll just end up with a latte frap.

Since it was a last minute improvisation on a Mocha Frap, the whole Frappucino texture was lost after the drowning, making it a tad bit too fluid to stay as a conversational beverage, and because the coffee was doubled by a notch, the chocolatey taste of the original mocha was also drowned.

How I would probably do it at Cafe Philosoffee - is to make the base drink more dry - by using more ice, so that it will not all be dissolved by the hot espresso. Another idea is to use chilled espresso - so that it will not readily mix with the cream based frap and I'll get more texture from the concoction. It is Starbucks' policy to customise drinks for its clients, go have it your style, ask away.

Yusira dressing up my Affogato

Generally the drink is a pleasant one, good for first dates or reunion, since it can also provide conversational starters for those awkward silences. Don't do this when you're in a hurry because this is one beverage to sit down and contemplate over.

Hieffny and Yusira

Thursday, 17 May 2007


If for nothing else, I would come back to this place for its retro-strips and retro-squares sofas..

Today I went for a cheap breakfast with my cousin in Tanjung Aru at a place called "the Cruise".

Of the three items on offer, I decided to ditch my diet for the day and try out all of them.

The first was Kon-lo Noodle with Minced Chicken, served with coffee or tea. Of course I asked for coffee, but it never intended this entry to be coffee-trashing, so I'll skip on the comments.
The noodle was fine, a generous serving for its price. Tastes okay, nothing to shout about.

Chicken Kon-lo Noodle
Taste 6/10
Value 8/10

The second helping I had was Chicken Porridge. Came in a huge bowl, but only filled up half-way. The porridge was prepared with fine strips of ginger which made it fragrant and appetizing. Though the consistency was a tad bit too fluid for my liking, they were generous with their bits of chicken so at the end it is still okay. Could do better with a dash of sesame oil though.

Chicken Porridge
Taste 6/10
Value 7/10

At the end of the second dish I was too full to continue, so I decided to stop there, and probably come another day for the last offer on the menu, Chicken soup with choice noodle.

The price for each dish is RM2.00 plus 15% tax.

Come hungry or don't. Order the kon-lo noodle and don't expect too much from the coffee.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007


A Limited Edition Coffee

Many coffee experts agree that Kenya produces the most consistent of the world's best coffees. Kenya's coffees, especially AA, are known for their winy acidity. Ours is a medium-roasted, medium-bodied coffee with a bright, fruity flavor.

Kenya "AA"

The aroma first hits with a fruity sweetness, such that suggests a sourly anticipation because my mouth just fills with saliva from the fragrance. The first sip portrays a strong acidity but mellows down to a medium aggression as it cools down. The winy pleasantness lingers around for a while after you're done.

Aroma 7/10
Acidity 8/10
Body 8/10
Flavour 8/10
Aftertaste 7/10

Because of its winy sweetness, I would recommend this coffee for after dinner conversations. The aftertaste is pleasant, leaving me wanting more than one helping. Also ideal for a long night on a book-date. The moderate midtaste leaves you relaxed, ideal for winding down from a busy day.