Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Many have asked whether or not I have any strings connected to Starbucks because of the amount of coffee tasting I've done there and not much I've said about the others. Well, I just want to make clear, that I am not in any ways affiliated to Starbucks, though much that I want to... the reason I am there most of the time is because of their client friendly policy and of course, the coffee there is good. Well, better... is many sense.

This is of course not to say that I've put down the rest of the coffee giants for good. For instant, honestly, I seldom go for Fraps at Starbucks, simply because I think Coffee Bean makes much better Ice-Blended drinks. Well for SanFran, I'd go there to glut on their salad, and when you're really thirsty and you want something icy with a kick, Mo'Mocha provides a better uumph than any of the other two giants....

But still, Starbucks gives its patrons a reason to come back... We at Philosoffee share the same sentiment about coffee... that is it more than just a drink, it is supposed to be an experience. An enjoyable one at that. Amen.

Monday, 1 October 2007


Created for summertime and iced coffee, Gazebo Blend® is an elegant assortment of East African coffees. Bright flavors are balanced with a smooth, medium body. This coffee is a seasonal offering. The rich flavor with fruit-like notes evolves as it cools - making it exhilarating served hot and delightfully refreshing over ice.

I had the chance to bring yet another coffee-master to my meeting, to introduce to us fellow Sabahans (who think anything black and sweet is coffee). It was during a buka-puasa party when Aini and her gang walked over all the way from Warisan to KKIA Pekan to introduce to us this thirst quenching blend, especially made for summertime (come to think of it, any liquid would be thirst quenching if you're thirsty from fasting the whole day!)


This blend gives off really a refreshing aroma, a fragrance reminiscent of sweet smelling flowers. The aroma also does the mind an invigorating and calming effect.

Aroma 7/10 Smells like fresh flowers with a whiff of fresh cut citrus. Making the mouth waters, even as I took a deep smell in.

Acidity 7/10 Quite a high pitch zing that startles the palate. Highly sought-after sensation. After tasting Indonesian coffee for the past few packs (which are generally bolder and lower in acidity) this is a nice reintroduction of the finer things in a cup.

Body 5/10 Medium, I'd say. The coffee leaves a winy sensation that makes the mouth waters, hence cleansing the palate.

Flavour 6/10 Unmistakably citrusy , something like a ripe orange .

Aftertaste 6/10 The aftertaste gets washed off quite quickly so it is not very prominent. However this quality can be used as a palate cleanser after a heavy dinner.


Like I mentioned before, this is a good coffee to have after dinner. I've tried it iced as well, as recommended, and it is as good as claimed. I've put up below a recipe from starbucks on how to make it into an iced drink.

Aini doing her coffee-master thing, notice that the apron is not the usual green but black!

And this is the whole gang that came...

Iced Coffee Recipe:
Start by brewing coffee at double strength, using 1 cup (2.5 oz/71 g) of ground coffee to 3 cups (24 fl oz/710 mL) water. After brewing is complete, add 3 cups ice to the pot and let cool. Serve in a tall glass filled halfway with ice. Adjust the coffee's strength by adding water to taste. Makes about four 8 fl oz (236 mL) servings.


My usual gets a hearty make-over, with a latte-art by my new friend, Greg...
So he says that he used to do this in the past, but after not doing it for some time, he's a tad nervous over the task of dressing my mocha... I believe he's not yet preparing my drink in this picture...

First, got to have 'em micro-bubbs... the secret to a fine latte art is good quality foam, so it has to be stable and stay rather firm through-out the pouring process. A quick whizz to the good old full cream milk, and we're ready to go. Talissa looking on...

Letting the foam stand a while, he quickly prepares the soul of the drink, the double-espresso shots...

And after mixing coffee and cocoa, it's time to pour in the milk, first the fluid milk carefully mixed into the concoction to create the mocha drink (no point having a good looking cup that tastes horrible) so this step is just as important (if not more) as painting the cap later...

And nearing the brim, Greg let the coarser bubbles take form while carefully pouring the later portion of the stream across the pool of white... and there you go, a heart!

Taa daa..!

The master-piece..

Although Greg can be a bit of a perfectionist, and let out a painfully disappointed sigh at his work... not that I know any better, but macam ok saja tu...

We'll have another try sometime soon. Next time - daun! Haha

Greg, boleh bah kalau kau...!

Greg (or Gory as he is better known) is a store coffee-master and has been with Starbucks since the initial opening in KK a little less than a year ago. You can find him making your favourite drinks at the Starbucks Palm Square (Centre Point) Outlet.